Search Results
Rise of the Fighter 12 Interview and Fight Novice Welterweight Title Defence McKenzie John V Issy R
Boxing Welterweight Title Bout Jay Benjamin V McKenzie John
Rise of the Fighter 12 Novice Lightweight Title Connor King V Michael Bird
Rise of the Fighter 12 Jay Benjamin V John Stanley
Mackenzie John V Jenson Lapworth Rise of the Fighter 5
A Night of Champions Novice Welterweight Staffs Title Ethan Ball V Mackenzie John
Rise of the Fighter 12 Jack Allen V Chris Dutton
Prizefighter Final Gary Cooper V Mackenzie John
Rise of the Fighter 13 Ben Norris V Ash Hill
Best of the Best Boxing Lightweight Staffs Novice Title Stanley V Bird
Craig Tipton 8 man prizeQuarter Final 3 fighter Faz Riaz V J ay Benjamin
Eddy Murphy V Luke T Man Thompson Rise of the Fighter 5